When arriving on vacation in a new country, we can often encounter customs and regulations that do not apply in our home country. This is the case when traveling to Krakow, Poland in the case of stores. Many people planning a trip to Krakow in Poland wonder if stores in Poland are open on Sundays. What stores are open in Krakow on Sunday? Where to do your shopping? What is open on Sundays in Krakow?
What is Alert RCB in Krakow? Alert RCB in Poland
Many people arriving in Poland wonder what the text messages they receive on arrival in Krakow or Warsaw on their mobile phones are. While in Poland, they get text messages from the number +48 885 886 616 with the name Alert RCB. What is this? Is this normal or is it a phishing attempt? We look at whether you should be nervous about receiving an RCB Alert in Krakow. What is Alert RCB in Krakow?
Do you need a passport to visit Krakow?
Located in southern Poland, Krakow is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Poland and one of the most interesting cities to visit when visiting Europe. Many people planning their trip to Krakow wonder what documents are needed to visit Krakow. Do you need a passport to visit Krakow in Poland? Do you need a visa to visit Krakow? We give you a hint on what documents you need to travel to Krakow in Poland. Do you need a passport when travelling from the UK? Do you need a passport from the USA?
What is Bolt in Krakow? How to use Bolt in Krakow?
When reading content on the internet before going to Krakow, many people come across the name Bolt, mysterious to them, and wonder what is Bolt in Krakow. What is Bolt in Poland? Where do you get Bolt in Krakow from? What is it all about? We give you a hint as to whether Bolt works at Krakow airport.
Do you need to book Schindler’s Factory in advance?
Krakow, one of Poland’s most touristic cities, is full of historical and cultural attractions, and the Schindler Factory Museum stands out among them. This place, although it bears the name of the famous film Schindler’s List, has little to do with the film or Schindler the person. Nevertheless, it is a popular attraction in Krakow and one of the more common questions asked by tourists planning a visit is whether to buy tickets. Do tickets to Schindler’s Factory need to be booked in advance?
Do you need to book train tickets in Poland?
Travelling around Poland by plane is only possible between a few of the largest towns and cities. If you want to travel to smaller cities in Poland, or to towns that are quite close to each other, you have to travel by train. Many people planning a holiday in Poland wonder whether it is necessary to buy train tickets in advance. Is it necessary to book train tickets in Poland? Where to book tickets?
Do you need to book restaurants in Krakow?
In many European cities, if you want to enjoy the best restaurants, it is necessary to make a reservation. There are restaurants in the world which do not accept customers who do not have a reservation at all. Many people on a trip to Poland and to Krakow wonder whether it is necessary to make a reservation for restaurants in Krakow. Do you need to book restaurants in Krakow?
What is the main train station in Krakow called? Where is it?
Navigating Europe’s many large tourist cities can be confusing. Cities such as Budapest, Prague or Milan have at least a few large railway stations, and in order not to get lost you need to know which is the main railway station in the city. Krakow, located in the south of Poland, is one of the most visited cities in Poland. What is the main railway station in Krakow? Which railway station do you have to come to in Krakow? What is Krakow Glowny?
How much is vodka in Poland? Krakow prices 2025
Poland is famous for its consumption and production of vodka. For many people going on holiday to Poland, one of the must-buy items is vodka. How much does vodka cost in Poland? What are the prices of vodka in Poland in 2025? Here is an overview of the prices of several popular types of vodka in shops in Poland. How much is wodka in Krakow?
Where to buy alcohol in Krakow? Where to buy at night?
In some countries of the world, buying alcohol is not the easiest thing to do. There are countries where alcohol is only sold in specialised shops sometimes at very short hours during the day. What is it like in Krakow in Poland? Where to buy alcohol in Krakow? Where to buy alcohol at night in Krakow? We give you a hint on how alcohol is sold in Poland in Krakow. Is there a prohibition at night in Krakow?

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I would like to invite you to my blog dedicated to Krakow and its surroundings and to travel to Poland. On this page, I will try to share with you practical information on attractions, sightseeing or transport in Krakow and the surroundings of Krakow and Poland. Thank you for being here! Feel free to contact me at contact[a]dailykrakow.com